The project was co-designed with local partners with input from local young people, to encourage young people to participate in services and positive activities as an alternative ‘pathway’ to any possible involvement in crime. |
Breaking down postcode barriers, keeping Young People safe and preventing them from becoming involved in crime and entering the criminal justice system through: Engagement of Young People at risk of offending, in positive activities. Reduction in conflict between Young People. Increased confidence and self-esteem. Improved mental and physical health. Young People making the right choices. Access to new opportunities Increasing participation in positive activities Pathways into education/training and employment. Engagement and Support of Parents/Carers and Families. Promoting positive images of young people from our ethnically diverse communities. |
Maiden Lane Community Centre and it’s Partners Queens Crescent Community Centre and NW5 project are based in the heart of 3 extremely volatile areas of Camden where some of the most active gangs have operated for many years. The young people we work with are constantly at risk of being drawn into criminal activity because of their postcode.
Our project keeps young people safe, by breaking down postcode barriers by bringing together young people from the 3 areas to participate in positive activities and make new friendships with Young People they may go to school with but do not speak because of which postcode they live in.
Maiden Lane Community Centre and it’s Partners Queens Crescent Community Centre and NW5 project are based in the heart of 3 extremely volatile areas of Camden where some of the most active gangs have operated for many years. The young people we work with are constantly at risk of being drawn into criminal activity because of their postcode.
Our project keeps young people safe, by breaking down postcode barriers by bringing together young people from the 3 areas to participate in positive activities and make new friendships with Young People they may go to school with but do not speak because of which postcode they live in.